Apple‘s new first-gen M1 chip is proving to blow some of Intel‘s chips completely. Several reports are comparing Apple’s iPad Pro (which uses the M1) to that of older Intel Core i9-powered MacBook Pros, like the 16-inch model. According to Geekbench 5‘s data, the M1 iPad Pro had a multi-core score of 7,284, while the Core i9 16-inch MacBook Pro scored 6,845. The M1 MacBook Air is even faster: 7,378. As for performance in graphics, the M1 iPad Pro was reported to be 71 percent faster than the previous-gen iPad Pro with Apple’s A12Z chip, roughly equalling the performance of M1 Macs.
The new M1 iPad Pro became available to order from April 30.
Its official launch remains May 21 but ahead of their expected launch on May
21, some brand new M1 iPad Pro orders have begun switching to a
"Shipped" status. Multiple readers of MacRumors have shared with us
their updated order for their brand new iPads which now shows a
"Shipped" status, rather than "Preparing to ship."
Interestingly, despite the new iPad Pros now shipping for a few customers,
reviews and hands-on of the newest M1-powered device have yet to be published. Despite
their lack of an official announcement, typically made through a Newsroom
update, the company accidentally confirmed May 21 as a launch date in the
metadata of a previous Newsroom post. In addition, orders for the new iPad estimated
arrival dates as early as Friday, May 21.