R3 Corda Fresco Assessments Question-Answer

R3 Corda Fresco Assessments Question-Answer


Q.1 Which of the following is a similarity between bitcoin and R3 Corda?


       A. Both have cryptocurrency


       B. Both are public blockchain platforms


       C. Both have immutable states


       D. Both support Turing complete programs


Ans : Both are public blockchain platforms


Q.2 In R3 Corda, _______ is used as a consensus mechanism.


       A. Database Administrator


       B. Verification Service


       C. Notary service


       D. Consensus Service


Ans : Consensus Service


Q.3 Smart Contracts in R3 Corda are written using programming languages like ______ and _____.


       A. Go , C++


       B. Java, Python


       C. Solidity, Vyper


       D. Java, Kotlin


Ans : Java, Kotlin


Q.4 The Corda vision is a _______ in which all economic factors can transact with full privacy, autonomy, and security, and in an auditable manner.


       A. Shared global logical ledger


       B. Platform


       C. Central database


       D. Network


Ans : Shared global logical ledger


Q.5 Every node in the R3 Corda network has the same view of the ledger.


       A. True


       B. False


Ans : False


Q.6 R3 Corda is a private, permissioned blockchain.


       A. True


       B. False


Ans : True


Q.7 __________ is a distributed ledger technology where data is stored in the form of blocks.


       A. Blockchain


       B. Database


       C. Cryptocurrency


       D. Contracts


Ans : Blockchain


Q.8 _______ include data shared between two more or more nodes in a network.


       A. Data


       B. Messages


       C. Shared fact


       D. Contracts


Ans : Contracts


Q.9 ________ are a set of rules that determine the execution of a transaction.


       A. Program


       B. Instruction


       C. Tables


       D. Contracts


Ans : Contracts


Q.10 Communication between nodes occur in the context of flows, and is point to point.


       A. True


       B. False


Ans : True


Q.11 ___________ is the core business logic on which CorDapps run.


       A. Transaction


       B. Contract


       C. Legal prose


       D. Flow framework


Ans : Transaction


Q.12 A Flow Library contains a set of ______ used for common tasks like notarizing a transaction, gathering required signatures, etc.


       A. Flows


       B. Contracts


       C. Transactions


       D. Cordapps


Ans : Flows


Q.13 Corda states are immutable objects.


       A. True


       B. False


Ans : True


Q.14 Every node in an R3 Corda network has ______ associated with it.


       A. Instances


       B. States


       C. Objects


       D. Private databases


Ans : Objects


Q.15 A Flow Library contains a set of ______ used for common tasks like notarizing a transaction, gathering required signatures, etc.


       A. Flow


       B. Contracts


       C. Cordapps


       D. Transactions


Ans : Flow


Q.16 A _______ is a database in the node where all states are stored.


       A. State database


       B. Central database


       C. Vault


       D. Blockchain


Ans : State database


Q.17 What are the two types of transactions?


       A. Notary change and Generic


       B. Common and Special


       C. Dynamic and Static


       D. State and Non-state


Ans : State and Non-state


Q.18 ___________ is the core business logic on which CorDapps run.


       A. Contract


       B. Transaction


       C. Fow Framework


       D. Legal Prose


Ans : Transaction


Q.19 What happens when shared facts associated with a node change?


       A. States are modified.


       B. Old states are marked historic, and new states are created.


       C. Old states are deleted, and new states are created


       D. Old and new states are merged.


Ans : Old states are marked historic, and new states are created.


Q.20 Oracles are an external piece of information used by contracts.


       A. True


       B. False


Ans : True


Q.21 A _______ is a database in the node where all states are stored.


       A. Blockchain


       B. State database


       C. Central database


       D. Vault


Ans : Vault


Q.22 What service is used to discover nodes on a Corda network?


       A. Finder service


       B. Searching service


       C. Discovery service


       D. Network map service


Ans : Network map service


Q.23 Validity Consensus and Uniqueness Consensus are the two types of consensus.


       A. True


       B. False


Ans : True


Q.24 A Corda network needs certificates to maintain the unique identity of nodes.


       A. True


       B. False


Ans : True


Q.25 A ______ is a JVM runtime environment that has a unique identity on the Corda network.


       A. Contract sandbox


       B. Node


       C. Transaction


       D. Network identifier


Ans : Node


Q.26 Uniqueness consensus solves the ______ problem.


       A. Zero spending


       B. Verification


       C. Agreement


       D. Double spending


Ans : Double spending


Q.27 ______ are applications that execute Smart contracts on the Corda platform.


       A. Distributed app


       B. dapps


       C. Cordapps


       D. Smart app


Ans : Cordapps


Q.28 Which of the following transactions have zero inputs?


       A. Opening


       B. Genesis


       C. Issuance


       D. Intial


Ans : Issuance


Q.29 Which of the following transactions have no output?


       A. Issuance


       B. Exits


       C. Terminal


       D. Genesis


Ans : Exits


Q.30 Corda was initially developed for ______ institutions.


       A. Political


       B. Educational


       C. Cultural


       D. Financial


Ans : Financial


Q.31 ______ are large chunks of data that can be reused across multiple transactions, and are also used for transaction validity.


       A. Attachments


       B. Oracles


       C. Transactions


       D. Files


Ans : Attachments


Q.32 ________ are unique time-stamping services that order transactions, and are responsible for consensus in the Corda network.


       A. Flow framework


       B. Smart contracts


       C. Notary pool


       D. Transaction pool


Ans : Notary pool


Q.33 When new states are created, old states are not deleted, but marked as ______.


       A. Extinct


       B. Historic


       C. Deprecated


       D. Obselete


Ans : Historic


Q.34 A Genesis block is the first block of the blockchain.


       A. True


       B. False


Ans : True


Q.35 Notary clusters are classified according to their ______ and consensus algorithms.


       A. Structure


       B. Visibility


       C. Content


       D. Size


Ans : Structure


Q.36 Spreading transaction load over multiple notary clusters to allow higher transaction throughput is called?


       A. Transaction distribution


       B. Transaction split


       C. Load balancing


       D. Transaction processing


Ans : Load balancing


Q.37 Transactions are atomic in nature.


       A. True


       B. False


Ans : True


Q.38 R3 Corda and Bitcoin use which computational model.


       A. Unspent Transaction Output (UTXO)


       B. Internal Execution


       C. Virtual Computing


       D. Modular


Ans : Unspent Transaction Output (UTXO)


Q.39 Each block in a blockchain contains the hash of the _________.


       A. Next block


       B. Previous block


       C. Genesisblock


Ans : Previous block


Q.40 ______ is a superset of blockchain technology, and both terminologies are used interchangeably.


       A. Bitcoin


       B. Ethereum


       C. Distributed Ledger Technology


       D. Multichain


Ans : Distributed Ledger Technology


Q.41 The Corda network is like a complete graph where all the nodes are connected.


       A. True


       B. False


Ans : True

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