1. emanate : to come out from a source

2. Sushma walks 20 m towards north. Then she turns right and walks 30 m. Now, she turns right and walks 35 m. Now turning left, she walks IS m. Again she turns left and moves IS m. Finally, she turns left and walks IS m. In which direction and how far is she from her original position?

Answer:30 m east

3. Kamal is Sita's mother's brother's younger sister Geeta's mother's elder son-in-law. If Geeta has two siblings, then what is the relationship between Kamal and Sita?

Answer: Kamal is Sita's uncle's daughter's son in law


5. If log5 2 = log3m/log3n, then find the value of m and n.​

Answer: m=2 n=5

6. A rectangle's length is 4 times its breadth it has an area of 2500 square yards what is the length of the rectangle.

Answer: 1000 or 100 yards

7. Which of the following numbers is exactly divisible by 24 ?

Answer: 3125736

8. S1: Rahul has been trying to lose weight.

S6: I think it is just a lame excuse for his laziness.

P: As regular morning walk keeps our body fit and healthy.

Q: The trainer has suggested him to start with regular morning walk.

R: He has not yet started his daily walk.

S: He says that because of late night work, it is hard for him to get up early


9. Garima is standing at point A facing west. She walks 10 meters towards her right then she turns towards her left and walks 20 meters, after that she turns left again and walks 35 meters. In which direction is she standing now from the starting point A?​

Answer: south-west

10. Find the odd man out (a) fhko (b) cehl (c) zbej (d) xzcg

Answer: ZBEJ

11. How do you spell the word means the opposite of literal.





Answer: figurative.

12. P @ Q means P is neither equal to nor smaller than Q.

P # Q means P is not smaller than Q.

P $ Q means P is neither greater than nor smaller than Q.

P ? Q means P is neither greater than nor equal to Q.

P © Q means P is not greater than Q.


A @ B,   C # D,   B $ D


I. A @ D     II.A # C

Answer: only I is true.

13. What is the value of 25^1.5

Answer: 125

14. 1. Cut

2. Put on

3. Mark

4. Measure

5. Tailor

Answer: 4, 3, 1, 5, 2

14. Two cards are drawn from a deck of 52 cards without replacement. what is the probability of getting both cards black or getting one card queen and the other king?


15. From the given anagrams select the odd one out






16. What are the largest 4 digit and smallest 3 digit numbers divisible by 6,15,21 & 24?

Answer: 9240,840

17. The number of prime factors of (3 x 5)12 (2 x 7)10 (10)25 is:

Answer: 94 prime factors.

18. A boy is facing north west. he turns 85 degree in the anti clockwise direction and then 50 degree in the same direction. which direction is he facing now?


19. Meeru has lost her way home and was standing 25 meters away from her house in the south-west direction. she walks 20 meters north and reaches point

A. How far and in which direction would she have to walk to reach her house?

Answer: 15 meters, East


Answer: 650

21. Rasheb starts for a wedding venue at 6 pm and drives at a speed of 60 km/hr. Ramesh starts for the same venue at 6.30 pm. and drives at a speed of 75 km/hr When will both reach the venue. provided they reach at the same time? ​

Answer:8 :30 pm

22. Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below it.

(i) Six friends P, Q, R,S, T and U are members of a club and play a different game of – Football, Cricket, Tennis, Basketball, Badminton and Volleyball.

(ii) T, who is taller than P and S, plays Tennis.

(iii) The tallest among them plays Basketball.

(iv) The shortest among them plays Volleyball.

(v) Q and S neither play Volleyball nor Basketball.

(vi) R plays Volleyball.

(vii) T is between Q who plays Football and P in order of height.

Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?

a)P is shorter than R

b)Q is taller than S

c)T is taller than R

d)U is taller than Q

Answer:P is shorter than R

23.If SPORTS is coded as TOPQUR, then GAME is coded as​


24. Rohan is walking towards west .he takes three turns while walking,all at an (internal) angle of 45 degree towards right, right and left.what direction is he facing now?


25.One gear pulley rotates at a speed of 3 rev/sec another gear roates at 5 rev/sec. if both start together after how many seconds will they be together again?


26.Product of two numbers is 9, 152 and their HCF is 8. What is the LCM of the numbers?


27.Which of the two is greater, 22/7 or 138/43?

Answer:138/43 is greater

28.A committee is to be formed comprising 7 members such that there is a simple majority of men and at least 1 woman. The shortlist consists of 9 men and 6 women. In how many ways can this committee be formed?


29.In how many ways can 8 Indians and, 4 American and 4 Englishmen can be seated in a row so that all person of the same nationality sit together?

Answer: 3! 4! 8! 4!

30.Arrange 2/15, 18/29, 7/18, 10/87 in ascending order:

Answer:10/87 , 2/15 , 7/18 , 18/29

31.A total profit of rs. 36,000 is to be distributed among rajesh, salesh and rajeev such that rajesh : salesh :: 5 : 4 and salesh : rajeev :: 8 : 9. what is the share of rajeev


32.The population of a town three years ago was ‘b’ and the population of the town three years from now will be ‘c’. What is the current population of the town, if it grows at the same rate?


33.Paul can complete a project in 6 days. With the help of an intern, he can do it in 4 days. At what time can the intern complete the project alone?

Answer: 4 days

34.A detergent powder company is having acontest.

Each pack of 1kg contains one of the letters B, A, M and O. In every 20 packs, there are four Bs, five As, ten Ms and one O. What is the probability that a pack will have a B




35.varun is guessing which of the 2 hands holds a coin. What is the probability that varun guesses correctly 3times?


36.Opposite of worthless

Answer:mark as brainliest


37.Tea worth Rs. 126 per kg and Rs. 135 per kg are mixed with a third variety of tea in the ratio 1 : 1 : 2. If the mixture is worth Rs. 153 per kg, what is the price of the third variety per kg ?


38.If we permute 8 letters of the word ‘computer' in 8! ways, how many permuted words have ‘p' and ‘e' next to each other?


39.“#” denotes “greater than”

“/” denotes “equal to”

“&” denotes “not equal to”

“+” denotes “lesser than”

“%” denotes “a little more than”

“*” denotes “a little less than”

If AC%BC, then

a. A/C

b. B#C

c. C#B


Answer: B is lesser than A. [ B+A]

40.In an equilibrium A+BC+D, A and B are mixed in a vessel at temperature T. The initial concentration of A was twice the initial concentration of B. After the equilibrium has reached, concentration of C was thrice the equilibrium concentration of B.Calculate KC


41.There are 5 letters and 5 addressed envelopes. if the letters are put at random in the envelops, the probability that all the letters may be placed in wrongly addressed envelopes is

Answer:44 or

Number of ways that all the letters may be placed in wrongly addressed envelopes is 44.

total number of ways to put 5 letters in 5 envelope = 5!=120

Then, the probability that all the letters may be placed in wrongly addressed envelopes is 11/30

42.Which of the two is greater. 12√12 or 6√6?

Answer:12√12 is greater

43.There are 5 types of toys with 2 toys of each type in how many ways can a shopkeeper arranged on shelf


44.Which of the following numbers is divisible by 24


45.The names of bodily parts are clearly mentioned, and they can be ordered in one of two ways:

1. Arrange in ascending order of size






2. Organize in order of decreasing size






46.24:50::102: __ Find the number.

Answer:24 : 50 :: 102 : 206

47.The number 456'85 is completely divisible by 3. smallest whole digit number in place of can be:


48.There are 5 letters and 5 directed envelopes. The number of ways in which all the letters can be put in wrong envelope is


49.In an examination, a candidate is required to answer 5 questions in all, from 2 sections

having 5 questions each. What are the total number of ways in which a candidate can

select the questions, provided that at least two questions are to be attempted from each



50.My friend and I started simultaneously towards each other from two places 100 m apart. After walking 30 m, my friend turns left and goes 10 m, then the turns right and goes 20 m and turns right again and comes back to the road on which he had started walking. If we walk with the same speed, what is the distance between us at this point of time?

Answer:20 m

51.There are 5 letters and 5 addressed envelopes. The number of ways in which the letters can be placed in the envelopes so that none of them goes into the right envelope is


52.The lcm of 2 numbers is 2516 and the square root of their hcf is 2 find product of two number


53.What is the remainder when we divide 125! By 10^31?


54.Arrange the following words in a logical sequence 1.Cutting 2.Wearing 3.Marking 4.Measuring 5.Stitching






55.A man rows a boat at a speed of 5 km/hr in still water. find the speed of a river if it takes him 1 hr to row a boat to a place 2.4 km away and return back.


56.Four working ladies A, B, C and D are sitting around a table. (i) A sits opposite to the cook. (ii) B sits on the right side of the beautician. (iii) Teacher is on the left side of an accountant. (iv) D sits opposite to C. (v) C is to the right of the accountant. Who is sitting to the left of beautician?


57.In a poultry farm, 50 hens give 200 eggs in 2 days. In how many days will 20 hens give 400 eggs?

Answer: 10 days

58.Select the right option from the given alternatives ADWZ:FIBE::KNPM:


59.But the director who would remake this film will be made secret for the time being

Answer:But the director who would remake this film will be made secret for the time being

60.The next term of the sequence 1, 2, 5, 26, … is:






61:Express 0.35bar into form of p/q


62.A household procuts is marked 30% above its cost price the percentage discount allowed to gain 17% is?


63.A9J: I8Q: O6U: ?


64.Which of the two is greater. 12√12 or 6√6?

Answer:6√6 is gretter

65.There is a huge traffic jam_____of heavy rain

Answer:because of

66.If math can b coded as rfym , what is the code for physics


67.But which director from bollywood would remake this film, will be made secret for the time being​

Answer:The following question, consist of two words each that have a certain relationship to each other, followed by four lettered pairs of words. Select the lettered pair that has the same relationship as the original pair of words:

Gun : Trigger

A. Kick : Pain

B. Lamp : Switch

C. Chair : Arm

D. Engine : Fuel

Answer:Lamp : Switch

68.A company has found that the demand for its product varies inversely as the price of the product. when the price xx is 44 dollars, the demand yy is 550550 units. find a mathematical model that gives the demand yy in terms of the price xx in dollars. your answer is y=y= approximate the demand when the price is 8.258.25 dollars. your answer is:

Answer: 252

69.Rahul went to his mothers mother in laws only son daughter's husband's son's maternal uncle amd asked for some money how is this person realted to rahul

Answer:he went to his own brother's house.

70.If eagle is coded as fzhkf what is the code Thanks


71.+B means A is greater than or equal to B

A-B means A is greater than B

A=B means A is not equal to B

A*B means A is less than B

A/B means A is equal to B

Which of the two conclusions 1 and 2 is/are definitely true based on


P/Q, Q+R, R-S


1. P-Q


Answer:P-Q is the correct answer

72.If x and y are non zero integers, is x/y is a integer?

Answer:Yes x/y is a integer

73.P q r are three consecutive integers and averave of p q r is 3

Answer:p = 2, q = 3, r = 4

74.24 : 50 :: 102 : 206

75.Eleven students, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J and K, are sitting in the first row of the class facing the teacher. D who is to the immediate left of F is second to the right of C.A is the second to the right of E, who is at one of the ends. J is the immediate neighbor of A and B and third to the left of G.H is to the immediate left of D and third to the left of I.Which of the following statements is true in the context of the above sitting arrangements ?

Answer:D is the left of F and second to the right of C I.e C- DF

 A is second to the right of E i.e. E - A.

 J is immediate neighbour of A and B and third to the left of G i.e. A J B - G.

 H is the left of D and third to the right of I i.e. I - H D.

 The above four orders may be combined to obtain the correct order as under :

 E, K, A, J, B, I, G, C, H, D, F

76.A man rows a boat at a speed of 5km/hr in still water. Find the speed of a river if it takes him 1 hour

to row a boat to a place 2.4 km away and return back.

Answer:1 hour 15 minutes.

77.DJ: WQ :: FK: __.


78.Palm finger eye stomach yelgo arrange the sequence acording to size ??

Answer:eye, finger, palm, elbow, stomach

79.Suneeta moves a distance of 9 meters towards east. She then moves towards south and travels a distance of 4 meters. From here she moves a distance of 6 meters towards west. How far is the starting point from her final position

Answer:5 m

80.ts always good to carry some cash as some shops _________ not accept credit cards. (a) do (b) did (c) could (d) should

Answer:It is always good to carry some cash as some shops do not accept credit cards.

81.Given anagrams select odd one out






82.Read the following conversation and complete the passage in reported speech:Teacher : There will be an Inter House Debate Competition in our school next week. Students : Which all classes are going to participate, sir? Teacher : It is for classes VI-VIII. You can give your name if you want to take part. Students : Can those who have already participated take part?Teacher : No, only new students will be given a chance this time.The teacher informed the students a).............................................................................................................................. . The students respectfully asked him b)..................................................................................................................... .The teacher replied c)............................................................................... and that ..............................................................................................The students wanted to know d)...................................................................................................................... . The teacher replied in the negative and added e).................................................................................................................. .C-6. Read the conversation given below and complete the paragraph in reported speech: Teacher: Why are you late Sami?Sami: I missed the school bus, Sir.Teacher:You have to reachforthe school bus on time.Sami: My grandmother is ill. She was hospitalized yesterday.Teacher: Don't worry Sami. She will get well soon.The teacher asked Sami (a) _____________________________________________Sami replied respectfully (b) ________________________________When the teacher told Sami that (c) _______________________________________on time, Sami said that his grandmother (d) ____________________________________________________and(e) _________________________________________________________. The teacher then consoled Sami by saying (f)__________________________________

Answer:1st paragraph

a) that there would be an Inter house debate competition in their school the next week.

b) which classes can take part.

c) that is was for classes VI-VIII, they can give names if they want to take part.

d) if those who have already participated could take part.

e) that only the new students could take part.

 2nd Paragraph

a) why he is late.

b) that he had missed the school bus.

c) he had to reach for the school bus

d) was ill

e) she was hospitalized the before day.

f) him not to worry and she would get well soon.

83.Q's mother is sister of P and daughter of M. S is daughter of P and sister of T. How is M related to T?

Answer:Grandfather or Grandmother

84.Sonali walks 20 metres north that she turns right and walks 30 metres then she again turns right and walks 35 metres in which direction and how many metres away is she from her original position

Answer:33.5 m

85.I started on my bicycle at 7 a.m. to reach a certain place. After going a certain distance,

my bicycle went out of order. Consequently, I rested for 35 minutes and came back to

my house walking all the way. I reached my house at 1 p.m. If my cycling speed is

10 kmph and my walking speed is 1 kmph, then on my bicycle I covered a distance


(a) 4 0 1 km (6) 13 km (c) 14 km (2) 15 km

Answer:15 Km



Q1. What is the order of layers in the atmosphere, starting from the lowermost and going to the topmost?

A. Tropopause, Troposphere, Mesosphere, Stratosphere.

B. Troposphere, Tropopause, Stratosphere, Mesosphere.

C. Troposphere, Tropopause, Mesosphere, Stratosphere.

D. Troposhere, Stratosphere, Tropopause, Mesosphere.

Q2. What is the passage has been cited as the main reason affecting global temperatures?

A. Relative change in water vapour content in the Stratosphere.

B. Drop in Stratospheric water vapour of less than one part per million.

C. The extreme dropness in the Stratosphere.

D. Absorption and emission of infrared radiation by different substances.

Q3. Why is the situation in the troposphere defined as unstable?

A. Because, unlike the Stratosphere, there is too much water vapour in the Troposphere.

B. Because the Troposphere is not directly linked to the Stratosphere, but through the Tropopause which creates much of the world‘s weather.

C. Because of the interaction between warm and cool air which is unpredictable in nature and can leads to storms.

D. Because this layer of the atmosphere is very cloudy and can lead to weather related disruptions.

Q4. What accounts for the absence of water vapour in Stratosphere?

A. The layer of Stratosphere is situated too far above the water vapour to reach.

B. Rising global temperatures, leading to reduced water vapour that get absorbed in the Troposphere.

C. The greenhouse gas gets absorbed by the cloudes in the Troposphere and comes down as rain.

D. Before the vapour can rise up, it has to pass through below freezing temperatures and turns into ice.


Q1. Which of these could you infer according to the passage?

a. Wages in the Developing countries are less as compared to wages in the developed countries.

b. Wages in the Developing countries are more as compared to wages in the developed countries.

c. Wages in the Developing countries are same as wages in the developed countries.

d. None of these.

Q2. What does “American jobs” in the last line of the first paragraph of the passage imply?

a. Jobs provided by American companies.

b. Jobs held (or to be held) by American people.

c. Jobs open to only American citizens.

d. Jobs provided by the American government.

Q3. According to the passage, why India does not have enough skilled labour?

a. The total amount of the young population is low.

b. The total number of colleges are insufficient.

c. Students do not want to study.

d. Maximum universities and colleges do not match global standards.

Q4. What can you infer as the meaning of ‘stifling‘ from the passage?

a. Democratic.

b. Liberal.

c. Impeding.

d. Undemocratic.

Q5. What is an appropriate title to the passage?

a. Growing Indian Economy.

b. Higher education in India.

c. India’s Skill Shortage.

d. Entrepreneurship in India.

Q6. In the third sentence of the third paragraph of the passage, the phrase “closer to community colleges ” is used. What does it imply?

a. Near to community colleges.

b. Like community colleges.

c. Close association with community colleges.

d. None of these.

Q7. According to the passage, what is the paradox of the Indian economy today?

a. The economic progress is impressive, but the poor (earning one dollar per day) are not benefited.

b. The economic progress is impressive disallowing the government to take tough decisions.

c. There is not enough skilled workforce and the government does not realize this.

d. Government is not ready to invest in setting up new universities.

Q8. Why are salaries for skilled workers rising?

a. Companies are paying hire to lure skilled people to jobs.

b. American companies are ready to pay higher to skilled workers.

c. Entrepreneurship is growing in India.

d. There are not enough skilled workers, while the demand for them is high.

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