Intel Labs, a research hub for tech company, has created a new process for enhancing images and it showed it off using GTA V. The process converts the standard footage from the game into nearly a realistic image using a very complicated algorithm that involves an AI. Most of Intel Lab's team data and findings while building this new image enhancement technique is available through their project page on Intel's website and very detailed white paper. However, to make things a little easier to grasp, the team also created a video that shows off the process in motion and some of the enhanced footage from the game.
The Intel's secret weapon is actually a check process that runs at the end of the enhancement of each individual frame. The check measures each frame's accuracy versus a real life image in-order to make sure that the process continues to meet a certain bar for realistic quality. The video also goes into detailed description of how the process works, and even gives a few visual aids that makes it more clear.