Twitter's DM Search for Android

Twitter's DM Search for Android


Twitter is now rolling out a DM search bar feature for Android users. The feature will allow users to search for old chats faster rather than scrolling through all the conversations in their DMs. It will also let users search for a message throughout their DMs history and not just recent chats. Apparently, the feature is an “improved version” of the existing search feature, which was introduced to iOS in 2019. Twitter is also expected to add a search option that will allow users to search for specific words or content they have shared in DMs. This feature is being anticipated to arrive later this year. The social media platform is also working on letting the users search the content of messages, rather than just the sender.

“We've brought the DM search bar to Android and are rolling out an improved version that lets you search for all of your old convos, not just the most recent ones,” reads the tweet. “Waiting for the option to search your DMs for message content? We're working on releasing that later this year!”, Twitter tweeted.

Twitter has announced the feature in a tweet through its Twitter Support account. The tweet notes that the new DM search bar for Android is an improved version of what was introduced for iOS in 2019. The search bar will cycle through all the old conversations to find the search query. For now, the DM search option works by searching for the contacts users have or groups that the users are a part of. Going forward, Twitter will be working on expanding the feature to let people search their DMs for message content. It expects to release the update later this year.

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