Krafton, the developer behind Battlegrounds Mobile India, has confirmed the end date for season 19 as well as details about season 20. There will be a new royal pass and ranking system with season 20, according to the company. Battlegrounds Mobile India is the PUBG Mobile replacement in India from Krafton, after the original game was banned last year.
Krafton on its website confirmed that season 19 for
Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) will end on July 14. The season will end at
05:29:59 am, according to the website. Season 20 will also bring changes to the
Ranking Season system on BGMI, and a patch was conducted on July 7 for the
same. According to the website, the end of ranking for season 19 is still
exposed in the game, and it will be fixed through a patch soon. The new ranking
system of Season 20 will come into place on July 14 at 7:30AM.
Starting with season 20, three seasons will be combined as
one cycle. Further, additional rewards can be obtained by consecutively
achieving a specific tier within a cycle. When a cycle ends, cycle two begins
and will proceed as follows : C2S1 -> C2S2 -> C2S3 Further, seasons will
now run by a monthly basis, starting with season 20. Krafton is also changing
the abbreviation of seasons, from S1, S2 to M1, M2. Season 20 will be named as
M1, Season 21 as M2, etc, according to the companyAX