Consumer tech brand Nothing on Monday said that its first true wireless earbuds Nothing ear (1) will cost Rs 5,999 in India, as the wireless hearable market goes through a transformation in the country. Available on Flipkart after its official launch globally on July 27, Nothing ear (1) features state-of-the-art Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) which uses three high definition mics to bring music, films and podcasts into sharp focus. The London-based brand, headed by OnePlus co-founder Carl Pei, earlier announced the global price of the earbuds at 99 pounds. "India is an important market for Nothing and and in partnership with Flipkart, we look forward to introducing ear (1) to Indian users at the same time as our global launch," said Manu Sharma, Vice President and General Manager, Nothing India. "Starting with ear (1), our products will be uniquely designed and easy to use. Above all, they will be devices we are proud to use ourselves and recommend to our friends and family," he said in a statement.
According to the company, the true wireless earbuds will
combine raw beauty and precise engineering for a pure sound experience. "We
believe the earphones market is begging for differentiation, space where we can
elevate design and deliver value from day one," according to Sharma. The
company had said that Flipkart will play an integral role in building Nothing's
presence in India and launching its highly-anticipated true wireless earbuds. The
earbuds will combine notes of transparency, iconic form and refined