Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI), a popular royal battle is growing at a considerable pace among the youngsters once again. Introduced by Krafton to cater to the Indian market, esports has broken all the records in terms of downloads. Now, to keep the momentum high, Krafton has announced a first-ever esports tournament, BGMI Series 2021, in India. BGMI Series 2021, is an open tournament for Indian players wherein the winner will get a hefty cash prize. Krafton revealed that the series will be launched with a prize pool of Rs 1 crore. Also, they have disclosed the format, eligibility and other details to participate in the tournament. The registrations for the same are currently ongoing. So if you are wondering how to register for the series then, scroll down below and check out the stepwise guidelines.

While Krafton has not revealed the reason for this delay, it's likely due to the iOS version landing on the App Store this week and should give those that play on iPhone and iPad a chance to hone their skills before registration. The game recently hit 50 million downloads on Android and has an Independence Day Mahotsav event that ends on August 20.

The Battlegrounds Mobile India Series 2021 has a prize pool for Rs. 1 crore and registrations for the tournament opened on July 19. Krafton has also revealed how the prize pool will be split among the competitors.

First place – Rs. 50 lakh

Second place – Rs. 25 lakh

Third place – Rs. 10 lakh

Fourth place – Rs. 3 lakh

Fifth place – Rs. 2 lakh

MVP – Rs. 1 lakh

The Lone Ranger – Rs. 50,000

The Rampage Freak – Rs. 50,000

Most Finishes by a Squad – Rs. 50,000

The Redeemer – Rs. 50,000

During the in-game qualifiers, the first 15 games of registered teams will be considered for Battlegrounds Mobile India Series 2021. The top 10 of the 15 matches will be used for evaluation and scored accordingly. In case there’s a tie, parameters such as survival time, finishes, accuracy, and more will be considered for scoring.

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