The Beta update makes several small but important changes to
Half-Life 2, most of which seem geared toward making the game run and look as
good as it possibly can on Valve's upcoming Steam Deck handheld PC. We'll get
to some of the bigger changes in a moment, but first, credit where credit is
due: YouTuber Tyler McVicker spotted the Beta branch update and dove into the
game to find out exactly what was changed.
This is notable because Valve itself has not yet uploaded a
full changelog for this mysterious update. As such, McVicker's findings might
not even be exhaustive -- other changes could be waiting somewhere in the game
but are currently undiscovered.
At any rate, most importantly from a playability perspective, McVicker states that the Beta branch brings a "significant number" of fixes to long-standing bugs that have been pointed out by the community for years. He doesn't offer many specific examples but notes that the Buggy (or Scout Car) available in the Highway 17 level is no longer a "copy-paste job" from Half-Life 2: Episode 2. I'm not entirely sure what he's referring to here; it has been so long since the last time I even touched this series, but... Good for Valve, I suppose. We'll have to take McVicker's word on the other bug fixes.
Also important are changes to Half-Life 2's UI. It finally
supports ultrawide resolutions, and the HUD now scales properly to different
screen resolutions. In fact, the HUD and game aspect ratio can be altered
independently, if you prefer your UI elements to be sized and positioned a bit
differently than the default layout.
Half-Life 2's FOV cap has also been increased to 110, and
the game now supports the Vulkan graphics rendering API, which should work far
better with the Steam Deck's custom Linux distro, SteamOS (and Linux distros in
general). Vulkan also has the potential to increase performance in some games,
as it's less CPU-heavy and generally offers superior cross-platform support
compared to older APIs.
Half-Life 2's beta branch update still has hiccups. McVicker
notes that the game suffers from some micro-stuttering while running the patch,
and there are undoubtedly a few other problems he hasn't discovered yet. Still,
we hope that that minor issue (and any others) will be ironed out by the time
the patch fully releases, whenever that might be.